Manjeeth Singh was brought inside the ICU in a stretcher, half conscious, screaming in pain. He pressed his stomach hard, moaning loudly. The ward boy and the nurses around him were used to such events, and stayed calm. Hundreds of people like him were treated in K.J. Hospital everyday. It wasn't anything new to them. He was suffering from colo-rectal cancer, last stage. His rectal bleeding had exceeded all the limits, and the pain it caused was unbearable. He had drastically lost weight over the last few months. His death sentence was pre-written.Although he took a long time to digest the fact that he wasn't going to live for a long time, and the disease he had was incurable, he took it as a challenge. But now, as he lay in the ICU awaiting for his treatment, his body seemed weak and fragile.
Dr. Sakshi Gupta, who had been an oncologist in K.J Hospital, Mumbai got a call from Dr. Santhosh Rao, Mangalore. Dr. Santhosh was Manjeeth's family doctor back in Mangalore, and as Manjeeth was in Mumbai, Dr. Santhosh knew that there was no one other than Dr. Sakshi who could manage to keep him alive for a few more months.
As the duty doctor walked into Dr. Sakshi's cabin to call her for Manjeeth's treatment, she ran towards the ICU. It was only once she reached the ICU, that she recognized a face she'd known all her life. The only difference, the once handsome face looked more like a skeleton now. His jaw bones were visible, and he looked like malnourished kid. Tears started rushing through her eyes. The always calm and composed Sakshi was shivering in horror. It was the same guy who had loved her all her life. She had rejected him in order to build her career. She burst out crying in front of the co-doctors and the nurses. Controlling her tears was impossible now. The rest of the doctors continued the operation, as she was taken out of the ICU. One of her co-doctors tried to console her, but to no avail.
After the operation, when he gained consciousness, he saw something that pleased his eyes. It was delightful. Something, he never thought would ever happen in this life. Dr. Sakshi , no, HIS Sakshi was sitting next to him, her eyes swollen with dark circles around them. It was evident from her appearance that she'd been crying the whole night. She hugged him, breaking into tears, yet again. She hugged her tight.
'Don't leave me, Sakshi.', he softly said.
'I wouldn't. I love you, idiot.' she replied.
'I am glad that this dying man's wishes came true.' he said laughing. And he started coughing after that.
'Don't you ever say that.' she looked at him in anger keeping her hand over his lips.
She was too late to realize the fact that she loved him. But I am glad, she realized it. And thus, his love story ended on a happy note for him. But for her?
Two months later, Manjeeth passed away. She stopped working for almost a week. But then, she got busy treating her patients, just like she was before. The only difference being, now she missed him. She still loved him.
And as she was leaving for her place after a long day at work, she smiled looking at the name plate on her door.
Dr. Sakshi Singh, it was.
- Rounak Nayak.