Saturday, December 21, 2013


I had been for my cousin’s marriage. That’s where I got this thought.Marriage. How awesome does it looks? Two souls, who love each other, getting into a bond that lasts forever. Every girl wants a handsome hunk to love her, protect her, shop with her, and take care of her. Similarly, every guy wants a beautiful princess, to love him, take care of him, listen to his problems, be there with him during his tough times, and make love to him. Yeah, guys always consider making love as a top priority. Guys will always be guys. Chuck it. But the most important thing, we do need someone to complete us, don't we? 

No matter, how much you avoid marriage, you would get the urge to marry at some point of time in your life. I, never in my life, thought about marriage. I date, love, and then the love fades away eventually. And then, I break up. Relationships are more casual these days, and not serious, with a few exceptions. 

I love dating and what follows, but once the girl starts talking about marriage, I go away from her. Neither do I give fake hopes of marriage. I have always kept it clear with my girls, except my first and second girlfriend. I was a kid then. We all expect too much out of our first relationship, don’t we? 

I have always been against marriage. I never wanted to get married. I don't understand how people can be with one person throughout their whole life. Don't they get bugged looking at the same face everyday? Don't they get bugged listening to the same voice everyday? I don't think I would be able to survive with one person forever. It's normal, I suppose. Yeah, I might seem like a heartless jerk to a lot of people, but then, it’s better than screwing someone’s life. I would prefer being a bachelor than getting married and cheating on my wife.

Look at the current scenario, and you’d find more divorce petitions than marriages. But, it’s better not to get married rather than getting married just to get divorced later. Looking at most of the recently married couples around me, I am afraid of marriage. Not like I want to get married. Is it normal to get the I-wouldn’t-marry-anyone feeling, or it’s just me?


Has Marriage lost it’s importance today? Is it all about relationships and physical contacts today? The Generation has changed. We live in a world where people are afraid of commitment. Unlike the good old days, the problem today is we have a lot of options. They never had any option. They would love one person to the core. They would sacrifice and adjust to any level to just be with that person. Once they set their minds on one person, there wasn't anyone else who could lure them with their charm or beauty. Nothing else mattered.

But today, relationships are more casual, and people are treated as objects. We want better. No matter, how hot our girlfriend is, there’s always a girl who would be hotter than her. And we always tend to move towards that girl. It’s because, we are not in love. We assume that we are in love. We pretend to be in love. We make ourselves as well as our partner believe that we are in love, but the fact is, we are just in a relationship devoid of love.

Lust has taken over the feeling of love. We often look at the couples around, and think, that we need someone to love. Peer pressure is one of the main reasons for the wrong relationships. Stop fooling around yourself and people that you are in love. When you are sure of your feelings for the person, only then, go ahead, and ask her out. If you have the slightest of doubt, better stay away. Don’t take any decision in haste. Let it be the way it is. If it’s meant to be, it will be. Moreover, don’t date someone just because you have no one else to date. That’s mean. That’s wrong. And that’s the worst you can ever do to anyone. Because when you’re dating someone, just because you’ve no one else to date, you are treating that person as an option.

Date someone only when are sure of your feelings for that person. Commitment isn’t easy. But, if you want to get committed, give your best. Love her, like no one’s ever loved anyone. Love her, like she was the only thing you’d been waiting for. Treat her like a princess. Because she deserves it. Respect her, like you respect your mother. And that’s when you’d realize, your life is complete. 

As I said before, there’s always that girl who might be hotter than her, but when you’d be in love with her, no one else would matter. Because you have already fallen for her. And you can’t fall again. Love happens once. Only once. Rest of it is just an illusion. That’s when you say it to yourself, that I want to get married. If it’s not forever, it’s not love. Love is about finding the one person who makes your heart complete. Who makes you a better person than you ever dreamed you could be. Its about looking in the eyes of your wife and knowing all the way to your bones that she's simply the best person you've ever known.

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