Saturday, December 21, 2013


Ever since I was born in the year 1992, I had been single all my life. I know it is surprising for people like you who might be of my age but dated a few. And the studs reading this, please don't laugh at me before reading my story.

Well, to begin with, I am Rounak and I have always been an undistinguished part of the crowd with my ordinary features appealing none around me. People passing by me never turn around to have a second look at me. I am not as appealing as most of the people reading this. If I ever chose to organize my swayamvar, I am sure there wouldn't be a single girl ready to marry me, let alone the competition amongst the girls. And add on to that, my inferiority complex and introvert nature makes it worse. Basically, I am what you would call ugly. Well, some do it on my face, and some wait for me to pass by, and then comment on my ugliness.

And for a person like me, understanding the fact that someone just called me ugly in their eye to eye talk with another person isn't a big deal, but facing it is. I feel bad about it.

Niharika, Angad and I had been pretty good friends since our 6th grade, and right now, all of us had been pursuing law in the same college. Niharika and Angad always had a thing for each other, or maybe, I felt so. Angad is what every girl dreams of. Just the perfect combination of Ranbir and Shahid. And in contrast, I am not even slightly good looking as I already said. And Niharika? She is the most beautiful girl I've come across till date. Oh yes, more beautiful than my crush, Deepika. And to be frank, ever since I met Niharika, I knew that I was in love with her. The kind of love where you know that you love someone but can never have them in your life. I had always been too cautious while talking to her. I never let her think for once that I had feelings for her.

On the other hand, Angad would often tell me that she's in love with him, and she'd ask him out someday. I would be confused wondering if he used to say so to hide the fact that they are dating or it was actually true. He didn't know about my feelings for her, but he had a strong intuition that she belonged to him.

I had accepted the fact that she would prefer him over me anyday. In fact, it was a lost battle. Well, there was no battle at all as you need two for the same. Here, it was only Angad. And however, a beautiful girl like her would never look good with a guy as ugly as me. But why me? Is it my mistake that god made me like this? At times, I hate him for making me the way I am. But what the heck? Aren't we supposed to love ourselves the way we are? If we don't, then how will others do?

So, one fine day, I decided to confess my feelings to her and finish it off, for once and all. The three of us were at a Coffee shop when I pulled out the rose from my bag, got on to my knee and asked her out saying my well rehearsed line.

"Niharika, I know I am nowhere like the guy you'd have imagined your prince charming to be like. I know of the dreams you'd have had. I know for a girl as beautiful as you, I am too ordinary a guy to be with. Moreover, I know of the guys in the queue to get you. I know they are amazing and I am certainly ugly in front of them. But one reason I'd give you to be with me is I'd love till the oceans turn dry. I'd love you till tom catches Jerry. I'd love you till Salman Khan gets married. I'd love you till my last breath. I'd love you till eternity." I said holding the rose in my right hand, moving it towards her.

"I love you too, idiot." she replied with tears in her eyes, and my world was complete.

"How can you love him? I am the one, Niharika. He isn't even one fourth as good looking as me. In fact, he is dumb. He is the abode of clumsiness. Are you so blind?" said Angad instantly.

"Shut up, Angad. Dare you say a word against Rounak. Another word, and I'll ask you to get lost. It's not the outer beauty, but the beauty of the heart that matters. And I've seen that in him. I'm glad to have him. And for me, he is the most charming person on earth." she shot back at him in anger.

And that meant a lot for me. I was smiling inside. I realized that although he hadn't given me looks like Angad, he'd given me a heart that Angad could never have. I thanked god for making me the way I am. Trust me guys. Being ugly isn't a crime, after all. We are beautiful in our own ways. 


Sachu said...
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Sachu said...

First of all i hope its a work of fic.
if its not.------ i'd punch u in the face ,man who told u've tht u r ugly -_- ....... trust me u got the looks to clean bowl ANY GIRL save it... nd i like the reference of tom n jerry... i hope u don't mind if i use it for my proposal... anyways the story Great job The Best ,like Always...
P.S- If u really wanna see Ugly Try my pro pic the names Thushar Sach Dev .... i'm jst like u -minus the looks nd brilliant not to mention talented writing skill..