Saturday, December 21, 2013

When a player falls in love! :D

LOVE is unpredictable. It happens between the most unexpected people at the most unexpected times at the most unexpected places you can ever imagine. Trust me. Everyone seems to have fallen in love at one point of time in their life. When you think of her all the time. When you can't think of her in your bathroom, because she means something more than that. That pure feeling. But, seriously? Have they? Or it’s just an assumption where you consider infatuation or attraction to be love? Well, I wouldn't really go about it here. I’ll let you think over it and come to your own conclusions.

But, once in your life, if you are very lucky, you’ll meet that person who divides it into the time before you met her, and the time after. And if you do meet such a person, grab hold of that person and never let that person go. Because she might be the one. You never know.

Well, my case is a little different. The flirt, playboy and ass-hole tag I've got is a little difficult to be erased so easily. So, I would never take the risk of enlightening her of my feelings. Too risky. Remember Khushi? The fictitious character from my story, who’s supposedly my dream girl. There exists a girl who has all the qualities of Khushi in her. But, I just don’t want her to know about my feelings for her.

And it’s all weird and different this time. Every time I see her online on Whatsapp, I get tempted to text her. I crave to ping her, but I stop myself thinking of the consequences. I have never stopped myself from telling someone of my feelings for them ever before. But this time, it’s different. I just can’t. Call me a coward, but I don’t have enough courage to lose her.

All I have of her, is the memories. Those sweet memories how the hatred turned into friendship, and friendship into love. Her loosely left wet black hair that smells real good, whichever her shampoo was. Her intelligence. Her focus on my boring and ‘awesome’ stories. Her smile. Her eyes. Her expressions. Fuck, I miss her. I wish I could rewind a little. I wish I could go back in time and be with her.

I wish I was never tagged as a flirt. I wish I was never into dating before. I wish I could be her first guy, and the last. I wish she could be my last girl. I wish we could fall in love. I wish we were made for each other.

How I wish.

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